Turn Off the Tap

When you aren't actually using the water, give a quick flick of the wrist and turn off the tap. You can always turn it right back on again.
How many times a day do we mindlessly let the tap run? Brushing our teeth, shaving, washing our hands, rinsing the dishes, cleaning vegetables, getting a cold drink.

According to the new EPA WaterSense initiative, the average bathroom sink faucet flows at a rate of two gallons a minute. You can slow that flow by installing a new low-flow faucet.

You can also save up to 8 gallons of water a day simply by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth in the morning and at night. Do the same while you shave.

Other tap tips: Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge so you don't have to run the tap to get a cold drink. Rinse soapy hands for 15 seconds to kill germs. Scrape rather than rinse dishes. Soak veggies first, then do a quick rinse to clean.
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